Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 3:17-31

Revised Standard Version

3:17 My son, perform your tasks in meekness; then you will be loved by those whom God accepts.
3:18 The greater you are, the more you must humble yourself; so you will find favor in the sight of the Lord.
3:19 [Omitted in RSV. NRSV margin reads: Many ar lofty and renowned, but to the humble he reveals his secrets.]
3:20 For great is the might of the Lord; he is glorified by the humble.
3:21 Seek not what is too difficult for you, nor investigate what is beyond your power.
3:22 Reflect upon what has been assigned to you, for you do not need what is hidden.
3:23 Do not meddle in what is beyond your tasks, for matters too great for human understanding have been shown you.
3:24 For their hasty judgment has led many astray, and wrong opinion has caused their thoughts to slip.
3:25 [Omitted in RSV. Included in NRSV: Without eyes there is no light; without knowledge there is no wisdom.]
3:26 A stubborn mind will be afflicted at the end, and whoever loves danger will perish by it.
3:27 A stubborn mind will be burdened by troubles, and the sinner will heap sin upon sin.
3:28 The affliction of the proud has no healing, for a plant of wickedness has taken root in him.
3:29 The mind of the intelligent man will ponder a parable, and an attentive ear is the wise man's desire.
3:30 Water extinguishes a blazing fire: so almsgiving atones for sin.
3:31 Whoever requites favors gives thought to the future; at the moment of his falling he will find support.